Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I Want a Banana and a MRI

Oxycodone seems a little oxymoronic because it must be taken with food, but the pill makes said food want to come out the way it came in. Not pleasant, but pain screams louder than nausea leaving me only to debate which food would be easiest to keep down. I want nothing more than a banana at the moment. Oh, how I wish I had a banana.

The MRI is a torture device. I have to stick my foot through this little hole and keep it perfectly still for an hour. The technician does his best to make me comfortable, but my foot is no longer elevated above my heart. I’m very thankful that the Oxycodone, because I would not have done as well with just the Vicodin.

The MRI torture device is an excellent place to test my yoga practice of mediation and breathing and the 40 minutes flies by.

Cautiously I remove my foot from the MRI shackle and the technician begins to wrap my foot when HE GRABS MY ACHILIES TENDON!!! I’m sure that my scream is heard through all seven floors of the building.

I somehow thought that after looking at MRI pictures for an hour of the same foot he’s be able to see that floating piece of bone and know not to touch THERE! I somehow thought that MRIs would resemble the bones in a similar, but more detailed way as an X-ray. Now that I’ve seen an MRI I know that is not possible.

Knowing is half the battle, and knowing how to wrap my own bandages is far better than letting someone else “help”.

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