Sunday, February 7, 2010

post op day 2 - med education

Energy level: snow white - post apple
Pain level: 4 - 10 meds to the rescue!

I never thought I could sleep so many hours. If it wasn’t for the occasion episodes of pain interrupting my sleep, I might think I was in a drug induced coma.

Yesterday’s experience has completely recalibrated my pain chart. Previously, a level “10” only induced crying. Now, a “10” is indicated by uncontrollable sobs and screaming. A “10” is to be avoided at all costs, even if it means the humiliation of peeing in a bucket while trying to keep one foot on the ground and one foot elevated above the heart – a truly humbling experience.

The pain is bearable as long as my foot is elevated above level of my head. Upon exiting the hospital I was given yet another prescription for Oxycodone. After a morning of the crying and yelping, JP decides it is worth the trip to the pharmacy to see if this 10mg prescription is any different than the 10mg I already have. The new prescription can be taken every 3-4 hours for pain, where as my original prescription was every 6 hours for pain. Although both pills are 10mg of Oxycodone, my 6 hour pills are much bigger – which begs to question, why is it bigger? Sugar? Would the pharmaceutical companies really be so sweet?

The 3 hour pills seem more potent and have a more intense effect. Both carry a heavy warning that overdose could lead to liver damage. Some research on the web reveals that pharmaceutical companies purposely add liver damaging compounds to discourage overdosing. I know you can’t believe everything you read on the web, but if this is true, it seems morally wrong to poison drug addicts and patients who truly need the medication. What’s next? Poisoning potato chips to discourage obesity?

A spoonful of poison helps the medicine go down.

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