Tuesday, June 8, 2010

post op day 123 - mild yoga

Energy level: normal
Pain level: 0 during the day  - 1 after an hour of wearing the sleeper-splint.

The sleeper-splint is doing its job to stretch out the fibers in my foot, but I need to take one Tylenol at bedtime to get to sleep because the stretching... well it just hurts so good!

It's great to be back in my Restorative Yoga class. I used to call this "nap" class because of all the floor work that we do. Some days we might be in a lying twist for 10 minutes at a time! It seems like lazy yoga, but wow, I'm really surprised at how difficult today's class is for me.  I've lost an amazing amount of flexibility.

I can't even complete a 10 minute supported back bend!  Geeze, all that is required of this pose is to lay on the floor with some blankets under my back. How easy is that?  This is just the preparation for Fish.  I start out with my usual amount of three blankets and quickly determine that I'll have to work up to that level in the weeks ahead. One blanket gives me enough stretching in the rib cage for now.

Twists are the best thing for me right now because my body still feels a little out of alignment after walking on one leg for four months.

I can do a great Seal Pose:

Fish Pose is extremely difficult:
But I surprise myself with a decent Bridge:
It feels good to be back in the game!

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