Sunday, July 11, 2010

Post Op Day 156 - vacation

Energy level: Low
Pain level: 3

Vacation has meant a break from my normal shoes. It has been just too hot to think of compression socks so I have been “running” around in my Sketcher thongs. It has been heaven not to have an straps on the back of my heel. Things were going so great that I have been tempted to sleep without the splint....

I don’t know why today was any different than the past week, but a sudden fatigue took over my legs today. The odd part is that this fatigue is focused on the area below my calf and above my ankle. In the evening I resort to elevating the leg with as many pillows as I can gather and experience random electric shocks on the sides of the Achilles tendon and on the bottom of the foot. Tylenol brings a bit of relief, enough to sleep.

I really wish the plantar fasciitis would take a vacation.

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