Monday, May 3, 2010

post op day 87 - 1/2 mile fun

Energy level: Great!
Pain level: 0 for non weight bearing
                1 for 50% weight bearing

Today’s adventure:  The dentist! 
Technically I CAN use just one crutch, but today’s trip is going to involve several perils, so I’m not taking any chances and I’ll be using two crutches.  Challenge number 1: Catching a bus and hoisting myself up the bus stairs.  That is a challenge in the older buses were the first step is at the level of my knees, so I kneel on the first step and then stand and then kneel on the second step.  The space is just too steep and narrow to use the crutches.

It's all downhill from the bus stop - two blocks makes for a lovely downhill walk.  I’m glad to have my bike gloves on to help cushion my palms.  I’m able to put a good amount of weight on my foot nowadays,  which is also is a great relief to my palms.

After my teeth are pearly white clean I have the choice of going back two blocks UPHILL to the bus stop or I can walk 6 blocks downhill to get back to work.  I’m feeling strong and energetic so I take the 6 block challenge.  My energy fizzles out after four blocks and I progressively put more weight on the crutches and I feel my foot begin to swell. 

Back in the day when I had two good legs this was an enjoyable 12 minute brisk walk.  Today it takes 45 minutes to go from point A to point B.  I chalk up quite a few extra minutes waiting for the walk signs to give me the green hand.  I'm not taking chances and always wait for a fresh green light to give me maximum time to cross the street.  I can go quickly if I'm not weight bearing and swing the recovering leg along, but the more I practice normal walking the faster I'll be on the path of walking without crutches at all!

I long for the days of darting though the crosswalk and making it to the other side a split second before the light turns red. 

My reward for this journey is two ice packs that I keep in the break room fridge just for occasions like this.

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